This is one of the most significant areas of non-ideals, and results in other types of non-ideals below it.
The seven universes below the infinite-life-universe can be seen as working together as a set, in some ways, although each has a separate playing-field with a separate time-line. See the universes page for details on each universe.
The point of the Fall from the infinite-life universe is very significant. Personal-universe (which includes the location where one “imagines” things) was formed at that point. Senior to that point items were used directly, below that point what’s used is mostly Un-items and Not-items.
This Fall can be seen as traumatic withdrawal from the shared-universe into ones personal-universe (which is a separate, inverted-space). The point where this withdrawal exists is a singularity, with the personal-universe being literally an inverted-space.
Just above the Fall, one got increasingly polarized and reduced ones scope and the range of things one was willing to accept. This caused decay until one only had one Node left, and was thus unwilling for that node to cease to exist (as it would naturally as interest moves on to other creations). So one made it persistent by blocking all contact with others and reality, and withdrew from the shared-game.
In the infinite-life-universe the game is required to be win/win for ones input to be accepted. Below the Fall, games appear to be win/lose, then decay down to lose/win (oneself loses, others win), but are really lose/lose.
When one first fell from the infinite-life universe, one spent some time creating freely in ones personal-universe, but this was ultimately unsatisfying, so one joined the shared-universe below that.
In the top part of the that next universe down, the game could be described as joyful conflict between groups. As this decayed, one started deliberately placing two groups in persistent opposition, which is the beginning of harmful-justified-acts (a significant type of non-ideals).