Introduction and Index.

Welcome to Awareness Based Clearing.


“Clearing” (usually called “Deep-Clearing” to distinguish from different methods that use the same word) in this context means removal of anything non-ideal which affects any aspect of ones reality.

The usual approach to Deep-Clearing is done either on a solo basis following pathways written by others, or with guidance from someone who has got far enough with Deep-Clearing themselves to have good direct awareness of the non-ideals of their clients and thus guide others effectively.

Some people will develop significant direct spiritual awareness at some point in their progress, and this awareness can be applied to the concepts and practice of clearing itself, thus enabling dramatic increases in efficiency and effectiveness of Deep-Clearing work. This approach, which I call “awareness-based-clearing,” and some of the data to come out of its use, is the main focus of this website.

Data on this website are intended to be used as pointers to suggest areas to investigate using ones own direct-awareness (rather than things to either believe or dis-believe, both of which are non-ideal). 

See below for suggestions on using Deep-Clearing, and other effective methods, yourself.



Suggested approaches for how to start using Deep-Clearing and other effective technologies for your own self-development and spiritual progress etc.

Principles of Awareness-Based-Clearing.

What order to process different types of non-ideals.

How to improve a specific area of your life.

For a big boost to your ability to improve your spiritual condition, get my Ultimate-Self Restart process.

Processing approaches.

These are the main processing approaches used in awareness-based-clearing:

Erasure. Many types of non-ideals need to be erased. While this can be done by clearly seeing a verbal description of what the specific non-ideal does (which is what beginners typically start by using), it is vastly more efficient (and often more effective too) to erase the structures of non-ideals, which is done by knowingly putting strong spiritual attention on them until they fully dissolve, which works more effectively if done from senior to the items, and from the perspective of being the creator of those items.

Adding All-options.

Connecting to better options. One area this needs to be used for, is morphic-fields, erasing connections to relatively small, polarized morphic-fields and instead connecting to larger, non-polarized ones which are senior to both sides of the polarization.

Adding structures and connections. Power and other connections, and various structures, need to be added at some point, as one makes progress with Deep Clearing. Erasing non-ideals is not enough. While if one erased enough non-ideals, some better connections to power and other necessary things would spontaneously arise, it is much more efficient to knowingly connect to better things earlier in one’s progress.

Types of non-ideals:

(and how to process them effectively):

Polarization. All non-ideals can be seen as polarization, which limits ones awareness and functionality.

Item-chains, one of the most significant types of non-ideal, having a huge effect on personality, limitations etc.

The Fall from the infinite-life-universe. One of the most significant areas of non-ideals.

Parts of oneself. Parts can prevent other types of limitations from being processed, until one works with them to change their reason for doing so.

Decisions and Agreements.


Purposes. (i.e. automatic actions). Why these are best erased.

Conditions. How to process them effectively.

Breaks on flows, and how to get them flowing again.

Implants, and usual mistake made when handling them.

Incidents and how to handle them effectively.

Dropping out the bottom of a universe, and how to handle them effectively.

Harmful Justified Actions and their consequences. “Karma” is an approximate pointer towards the exact mechanism causing oneself to receive harmful-acts in areas where one has done them, and one’s use of this mechanism can be erased fully.

Doubts and Maybe’s. (These are always non-ideal, as reality is what it is).

Problematic Eshus. (And how to process them).

Other beings in your space. (And how to process them).

Related topics:

For empirical details of energy-bodies, including chakras, kundalini, meridians, astral-body, etheric-double, triune-brain-system, soul, the vectors of spirit, what happens to energy-bodies at death, and lots more, see our sister-site .

For relevant data discovered by direct awareness of “spiritual reality”, see our sister-site

For a big boost to your ability to improve your spiritual condition, get my Ultimate-Self Restart process.

To get help:

  • improving your spiritual condition, and
  • getting more of what you want in life . . .

click here.

Also, see our Blog which contains articles on relevant topics.