All-options processing

While some non-ideals need to be erased (which is a good place to start for beginners, but is not enough for more advanced progress), some can be neutralized or improved by adding all-options to a definition-structure, which refers to placing all of the building-blocks of a Universe, such as the level-of-16 from the ifa, each at full power (unlimited).

Existence is defined by a separation between what is (i.e. what is present in that existence) and what is not (or more precisely, in an “off” condition). That applies at the level of the building-blocks, so the existence of each any single item in the Physical-Universe is defined by a definition-structure with each of the Physical-Universe Level-of-16 building-block items at a different power-level, so some of them might be at full power, some of them might be at zero power (off but still present) and some of them at a power level in between the two. That’s what defines that thing as being that thing rather than something else.

Thus adding each of the Physical-Universe Level-of-16 items each at 100% full power to a definition structure results in that definition structure being a Neutral definition, i..e. non-thing.

I discovered how this applies to personality-definitions when there was a discussion of personality definitions, and one of my colleagues was pointing out that each of the ifa personality-definitions has some abilities and a lot of limitations. So I wondered how beings in very good condition use personalities, since I was assuming they wouldn’t use something with a lot of limitations, since that would not fit with their condition. I looked at what they were actually using and observed that they were using a core personality-definition of All-options, which confers all abilities and no limitations, plus added personality-definitions added to the outside edge of that structure, used for giving the standard (limited) personality-definition to beings (or Morphic-Fields) which only know how to relate to those standard personality-definitions. One can apply that to one’s own personality-definition structures, adding all-options to the personality-defining structure in each of those locations, which will make available more abilities and less limitations. This would usually be a progressive addition, adding the items that other parts of one’s system is ready to accept, then improving relevant areas until one can add more etc.

Another example of the use of all-options is to neutralize an item-chain. The item-chain mechanism (while one is using it) is very insistent that one has item-chains, so erasing an item-chain will typically not have much stability. Instead of erasing it, one can neutralize that item-chain by adding the appropriate all-options to the Magick-universe definition and to the Physical-Universe definition of each item-chain-item and to the single item above the circle (line-plot) and it will still exist as a item-chain but the effect it manifests will be entirely neutral. This all-options processing will typically be a lot more stable than erasing the same item-chain.

Processing by adding all-options can be applied to many other types of non-ideals, because non-ideals each have definition-structures, which can be neutralized by adding all-options (for the appropriate universe), and that non-ideal-item then typically dissolves automatically since it no longer has any definition which relates to its functionality as a non-ideal or to anything else. For example, many years ago I spotted that I was processing the most readily available next non-ideals item, which, seen from the “onion-skin model” perspective, would be a relatively minor item with little Charge on it . . . the items in the middle of the onion being the most highly charged and significant. So I wondered if it would be possible to instead process the items in the middle of the onion, right then. So I asked for such an item, and Higher-self immediately gave me such an item, but it had so much Charge on it that none of the processing techniques I typically used had any effect on it. So I asked Higher-self what would process it effectively, and the answer was neutralizing the definition-structures of that non-ideal-item (each item will have a number of definition-structures which define it) by placing and activating (by flowing some power through them) All-options for the relevant Universe. This process worked well because it continued to use the intense power on those definition-structures, just changing the definition to neutral, instead of trying to erase the definition and the power flowing through it, as most other processing approaches do.