There are various types of other beings in the spaces of most humans.
While the different types should be handled differently, most of them are connected to your spaces due to having a goal-chain in common with you, so I recommend erasing those first (using the advanced version of Zivorad’s Aspectika where you spot the whole goal-chain, satisfy all of the goals and jump into the Great-space . . . all of which only takes a few seconds), i.e. erasing each relevant goal-chain on both the being, and on oneself, then handling each type of being as appropriate.
This is a much cleaner and more complete handling than just processing the beings and ignoring what allows them to connect to you. Plus, beings in very good condition don’t use many fixed-goals, they instead use flows of support and potential, so processing these goal-chains is also improving your overall spiritual condition.
They are seen as “other beings” because they have lost what they should be connected to (the processing reconnects each type to what it should be connected to).
Small beings. These are very small beings, which typically have only one piece of data in each. Most humans on earth have several million of these.
They are easily handled by first erasing the goal-chain that each has in common with you, and then commanding them to “go back to where you came from” (more precisely, the person doing the process places a connecting-line, reconnecting them to what they used to be part of). Both of those steps can be applied to all of them simultaneously, when one has enough ability to do so . . . use of Aspecika on the 6 million small beings I had at the time, was my first application of processing multiple items simultaneously (see Principles of Awareness-based-clearing for details on how to work towards that).
Large beings. This means beings with their own Ultimate-self, which have decayed enough to lose their connection outside of this universe. Most can be handled (after erasing the goal-chain they had in common with you) by connecting them outside this universe (both above and below it), then sending them into the Between-lives area, where they will be partially cleaned and then be able to take ownership of their own human body. The minority of these will need additional processing (on their specific limitations), to get them up to a good enough condition to connect stably connect outside this universe (by handling them having dropped out the bottom of universe(s)) and go into the Between-lives sequence.
Most people on earth have somewhere between a few of these, and several hundred.
Grouped beings. These are known as “clusters” in Filbert’s “Excalibur Revisited” (“OT 3”).
These can be handled by erasing the force which keeps them grouped together, then connecting them outside this universe and sending them into the Between-lives sequence. Some might need processing of the incident(s) where they were grouped together (Filbert’s data is correct on that), or other limitations, to get them up to a good enough condition to connect stably connect outside this universe (by handling them having dropped out the bottom of universe(s)) and go into the Between-lives sequence.
Most humans on earth have several hundred of these groups. Some groups can have additional limitations imposed by owners of previous bodies they were linked to (which can sometimes hide the relevant group), which can be handled by erasing those owners and the limitations they imposed.
Reversed beings. By this I mean beings whos aim (in Aspectika terms) is towards chaos rather than towards order (these are known as “Targs” in Excalibur Revisited). Processing the goal-chain they have in common with you is often enough to get them to leave. Some might need additional processing in order to leave, or, if they are extremely persistent, erase them,
Aje. The ifa concept of “aje” means a normally-oriented being wrapped around a reversed-being. Once one can spot clearly that they are made of these two things, each of those two parts can be handled as necsssary.
False body-controller. This is a being which holds on to the Body-controller energy-body of most humans on earth. It is a being with an Ultimate-self who has decayed to a low enough condition that they cannot own a body, and consider themselves to be a Body-controller energy-body. Ideally this should be improved up to being able to go through the Between-lives sequence and own a body of its own. Connecting it to outside this universe (both above and below, by handling them having dropped out the bottom of universe(s)) will improve it, sometimes enough for it to go into the Between-lives sequence, although sometimes additional processing will be needed.
Other relevant points. These other beings can only exist in one’s spaces (such as parts of energy-bodies etc.) if one’s own presence in those spaces is lacking in some way.
An example is a “fault line” in a field or space of an energy-body, which will often have other beings hiding in it. So one should handle the lack of presence first, which will often reveal other beings, and prevent additional other beings from coming in, before handling the other beings themselves, else the task is endless.