
Polarization . . . everything which exists in this chain of universes is made of items split into pairs of poles (more precisely, quads, as each split produces two located items and two right-angle flows).

The existence of any thing requires a minimum of “spiritual charge” between pairs of items, to keep them somewhat separate and thus existing (i.e. defined). This is the tiny dot of each color in its opposite, in the Yin/Yang symbol :

yin/yang symbol

This typical illustration here has the dots of each color in the opposite much larger than the minimum needed, which is an accurate reflection of the “spiritual condition” of most humans, who have large amounts of additional Charge on many polarities.

An over-charged polarity makes it likely that one will prefer one pole to the other, and thus see the preferred pole better, and be able to use it better etc. One will also likely to be in some form of opposition to the other pole. This condition is non-ideal, and limits ones awareness and functionality.

Most spiritual systems include some information on the dangers of polarization, while most are themselves polarized on some concepts.

For example, one of the central concepts to Buddhism, “Dukkha” really means “polarization” (from a contraction of Duality Akashic), but is usually mis-interpreted as “suffering”.

Another example is typical “new-age” philosophy, which while including knowledge of the Yin/Yang symbol (as above) then misses the whole point of the symbol and expresses a preference for the “light” poles, as do most spiritual systems on earth today, due to mis-interpretation and the low spiritual condition of most humans. The huge dangers of this common error are explored in my blog post on the biggest spiritual error.

The point of the Yin/Yang symbol is that both poles are fundamental parts of one thing, and it is not possible to have one without the other. Good spiritual condition would be in this state on everything . . . willing to have one pole, the other pole, both poles or neither, and not having any polarized conditions.

The Yin/Yang symbol includes a conceptual clue to Max’s hugely valuable Gunas process which can be used to discharge any polarization. Since it is the small spot of the opposite color, that maintains the two poles in their somewhat-separated condition, the Gunas process works with this to fully clean and thus merge, the two poles:

The Gunas process:

See which pole of the polarity you wish to work with, is more “Yin” in nature, and which is more “Yang”. Be aware of the fact that the poles are polarized due to the inclusion of the opposite-pole in each of them, and clean them, removing any of the opposite pole. So the Yin pole becomes perfectly pure Yin, and the Yang pole, perfectly pure Yang, at which point the poles infinitize and merge (no longer being separated).

While most people can run the Gunas process, a few people might not be able to make use of it until later in their progress, but there are other approaches to de-polarization . . .

One process is to locate each pole, then, one at a time, change its size and location and rotate it in every direction to “free it up”, then apply the same to the other pole. When each pole is fully free and non-fixed, they will merge.

Another polarity process:

  • Spot the 2 poles of a polarity
  • Bring them up the linear component of the scale-of-created-things (without contacting the latteral sources component which forms different definitions) to above 2.0
  • Have both poles simultaneously look at the other pole.

The result of doing that correctly is a clean, empty space. This is a deeper result than the Gunas process above (it can be observed to go through merging of the poles and then continue further than that).

Polarization is a signfiicant factor behind decay as a being, since opposition between the poles will continually increase Charge and make the poles dirtier, (there is a specific decay scale which this follows), until at some point, one flips to the other-pole, and continues the decay from that side.

De-polarization is also very useful when doing other types of processing, because it is typically one of the quickest ways to decrease Charge on the whole relevant area, thus increasing awareness and ability to change it. So if one finds any area too highly-charged to process easily, one can start by de-polarization relevant polarities to that area.

Polarization is one of the additional areas that are very useful to be able to handle, as well as the basic spiritual limitations one learns to handle in Deep Clearing. Other additional areas, as well as principles of advanced spiritual improvement, are detailed on my page about principles of awareness-based-clearing.