Suggested approaches to self-development

This web-page details my suggested approach for getting started with :-

  • advanced self-development,
  • improving your spiritual condition at the deepest levels, and
  • advanced practical meta-physics.

(note that those “three things” are really different perspectives about the same thing).


Pre-beginner. Learn and use EFT and TAT until you are familiar with them.

Beginner level Deep Clearing. Do a decent pass through The Pilot’s “Self-Clearing”.

Main level Deep Clearing. Do one or more decent passes through Filbert’s “Excalibur Revisited”

Additional advanced Deep Clearing. Learn to process polarities, Morphic-fields, energy-bodies, personality-definitions, the ifa, and many other advanced processes and perspectives (ask me for access to my archived data, when you get to this point).

Awareness-based-clearing. If you get to the point where you have good enough direct awareness of objective reality, you can use that to develop additional processes and perspectives, yourself.

(More details about all of these, below).

More details.


Be aware that there are large amounts of errors, misinformation, and controversy in areas that this data relates to. These are a lot to do with history on this planet, and I recommend that you clarify what your real aims are and prioritize those rather than being influenced by the limitations of other individuals, and societies etc..

My personal aim is absence of limitations, and the materials presented here are the most effective and efficient ways to get to that result. But this “pathway” is not easy . . . it won’t be suitable for anyone looking for quick fixes, simplified data, or who is not interested in facing the hardest truths about the deepest levels of themselves.

Note that a false guru or spiritual system tells you what to believe, thus trapping you. A real guru or spiritual system gives you processes by which you can make your own progress, thus freeing you.

Basic concepts of Deep Clearing.

The basic concept is that direct “spiritual awareness” is decreased by “spiritual-charge”.

It is uncomfortable to contact things that seem overwhelmingly negative and that you cannot currently handle effectively, and thus you tend to withdraw your awareness from such things which are the things which have spiritual charge on them. Deep Clearing decreases that Charge (and the structures the Charge is on), and thus improves your direct spiritual awareness.

All problems, mistakes and other limitations result from lack of awareness (see my details on that concept, here).

Fixed-data such as beliefs are not necessary, (they are substitutes for direct awareness). You only need to decrease spiritual charge and you awareness increases.

Deep Clearing uses direct spiritual awareness and direct spiritual action to make changes which include erasure of unwanted structures and manifestation of structures which are more ideal.

Deep Clearing works primarily with the Ultimate-self (the “real you”, i.e. that which places spirit) first, and can then, when you’ve made enough progress, be applied to other things including energy-bodies and aspects of “reality” (the shared-universe that everyone is part of). It is the only spiritual technology commonly available on earth at this time which works directly with Ultimate-self, other spiritual technologies are aimed mainly at working with a human who does not have a placed-spirit (placed by Ultimate-self) and so work mainly with energy-bodies.

All significant spiritual technologies would have originally included a method of creating a new Ultimate-self on a human body, (as many of them, including ifa, chi kung, the Tibetan practices, and more traditional versions of yoga, still do), and would have included ways to work with the Ultimate-self but these have been lost during relatively recent history where there were very small percentage of humans with a Ultimate-self on this planet.

The aim of Deep Clearing is to remove limitations, and it works consistently for anyone who genuinely wants that result (although doing so at deeper levels can take more than one lifetime for some people).

How to succeed with deep clearing.

For my notes on how to process effectively, see my page on Principles of Deep Clearing.

Order of materials to use for most effective progress.

First learn and use EFT. Then learn and use TAT, “Tapas Acupressure Technique” (and alternate between EFT and TAT). These technologies are not deep clearing (because they don’t use direct spiritual awareness or action), but are useful processes for several reasons.

Most people will then need do a pass through The Pilot’s “Self-Clearing”, which is a relatively easy way to get some understanding and experience with deep clearing, and start removing some spiritual charge. While most of Self-Clearing is approximately correct, you should make very sure that you take two-pole EP’s on the power processes (these terms are explained as you get to them). The Pilot recommends processing protest, which is indeed useful to process.

Then we come to the Geoffrey Filbert’s “Excalibur Revisited” which is the main core of deep clearing (it is the only version of that material that I’d categorize as 100% correct and it covers a wide range of processes needed to make enough progress that you can then see any other limitations (see below) and handle them effectively). If this is too challenging initially (as it was for me when I first found it), do another pass through Self-Clearing first.

Links to these materials:

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques):

You can either read how to do it here:

or buy “The EFT Manual” on Amazon.

TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique):

“Self-Clearing” by The Pilot:

“Excalibur Revisited” by Geoffrey Filbert:

More advanced work.

A good milestone for having made a good start on Excalibur Revisited is when you can clearly see and process in each of the universes up to the Uncaused-creation-universe (details of universes here).

That milestone means you can start working effectively on Excalibur Revisited, which require that degree of awareness, in order to run well.

When you get to that stage, I recommend you also learn to process polarities, Morphic-fields, energy-bodies, and the ifa (Ori, Eshu, personality definitions the building-blocks of this universes), Aspectika, and PEAT. I have detailed information on all of those, plus lots more details about most of the concepts in Excalibur Revisited, as well as lots of additional perspectives and processes, which is available on request:

The Advanced-Self-development-Data (ASD). I don’t recommend you ask for that until you get to this stage, because a lot of it is advanced.

A few people are able to get good enough direct awareness to be able to develop lots of new processes and perspectives, which is what I call Awareness-based-clearing.

Many people have an area of limitations which doesn’t get processed effectively by the usual approaches, and would need individual help with that, for them to be able to make more than a small amount of overall progress with improving their spiritual condition.

Most people are not starting from a good enough spiritual condition to reach the spiritual condition they are aiming from, in one lifetime. Since processing is up to 1,000 times more rapid during transmigration, I recommend making sure one has as much experience as possible about effective processing, and can process effectively without a body, so one can make the best use of that opportunity.

Common misunderstandings.

Although some Deep Clearing materials can appear to suggest that a bio-feedback device and/or an experienced practitioner are necessary for progress, in fact the majority of people can make progress from the beginning without needing either.

It can also appear that the progress should be made by a single pass through a fixed-order linear sequence of processes. In reality nearly everyone needs multiple passes through the same processes, the most efficient approach being a different order for each individual, and overall progress being significantly more holistic than linear (because non-ideals strongly link to each other).

How to get help with your progress.

Deep Clearing is advanced work, and it is much more efficient and effective to discuss the processes and concepts, as well as your own progress, with others who are more experienced with these approaches (as well as learning from other beginners).

This helps correct any misunderstandings and errors made, and provides a support community which can aid your progress considerably.

I provide two (free) discussion forums for anyone doing Deep Clearing :

My FaceBook Group “Empirical Spirituality”, which is for beginners with Deep Clearing:

My Group “Techs4reality” which is for general discussion of Deep Clearing, and anything related (specialist terms are used on this group, so if you’ve not done a pass through at least The Pilot’s “SelfClearing”, the beginners group above might be easier to understand):


Spiritual services to help you.

I currently offer several spiritual services which are available to help you increase the effectiveness of your progress with improving your spiritual condition.

Testimonials about my spiritual services include:

“Exciting to see the changes in daily life: self-confidence, power, happiness, stability etc.” (Vincent)

“I’m feeling more clarity, inspiration and flow“ (Sean Redmond)

“Amazing changes, the feeling is no limits, because I am experiencing a new way of being.” (Evita Marchiori)

“Wow is really all that I can say here.” (Caleb),

“Very interesting and helpful! You truly gave me an insight I’ve tried to find for years that no one else has been able to give me. Thank you!” (Tamatu),

“FANTASTIC! You are brilliant!” (Leo).

And Max Sandor (one of the well-known experts in Deep Clearing and ifa etc. who has learned from leading practitioners of all available spiritual practices) wrote this recommendation: “Receiving the personal analysis made by Chris, was certainly the most valuable service I have ever received from anyone. I feel extremely lucky having his services come to my attention and I’m not aware of anyone offering anything comparable. Therefore, I can only recommend this and his other services I received wholeheartedly to everyone I know.”

For details of the processes I am currently offering, click here.

Other useful materials.

I do not recommended that you look at any of these materials below until you’ve done at least one pass through Excalibur Revisited and got significant progress from doing so, i.e. you have enough awareness to see and process effectively in each of the universes up to the Uncaused-creation-universe. The materials below are, to varying degrees, not fully correct (so it’s essential that you are able to distinguish between correct and incorrect information before you use them), but are useful in some ways as additional material and perspectives.

General points on other materials and methods:

Most of what people think of as self-development, spiritual growth etc. is very different from Deep-Clearing, and has different aims, methods and results.

Most self-development technologies do not provide erasure (of unwanted structures which are limiting you), but rather provide some kind of temporary discharging of a limited range of non-ideals. Some self-development technologies actively place barriers between the individual and their awareness of things they don’t like, which provides temporary relief but ultimately is just another layer of non-ideals which get in the way of awareness and functionality.

Some types of self-development (such as most of what is called “meditation”) focus on actions which produce a direct change in the state of a person. While this can result in interesting experiences, since it does not directly result in erasure of actual, known, non-ideals it is not an efficient way of making a long-term difference to what is limiting your awareness.

Some approaches to self-development (such as NLP) work by changing the contents of the Thoughts-Mind (see my page on that: While this can make some degree of changes in automatic patterns, reactivity and thus behavior, the model of reality, is a poor substitute for genuine awareness of reality itself (which no model can accurately represent). Personal Thoughts-Mind would not be used at all by a being that has done enough Deep-Clearing and thus has enough direct awareness of reality.

Additionally, nearly all current self-development or spiritual practitioners are specialists, having knowledge of only a narrow range of what is involved. While such practitioners can certainly help fix some things, the results are usually limited in scope and not usually in the same direction as Deep-Clearing, as they leave the client without increased awareness (thus no long-term progress in terms of overall conditions and states for the Ultimate-self, which is the main part of a composite human which exists for a lot more than one lifetime).

Of course, it is up to the individual to choose whether they want real deep changes (and are willing to put in the necessary work to get them), or the temporary relief and interesting experiences that some of the other approaches provide, or neither.

Working with energy-bodies:

Deep Clearing will give you the awareness, experience and abilities to process the energy-bodies, but it will take significant progress before you get to that point so it can be somewhat useful to use other spiritual technologies which make some degree of improvements to a few of the energy-bodies. This can in turn give some degree of improvement to the temporary condition of your Ultimate-self (since there are strong links between Ultimate-self and energy-bodies). For some suggestions see my page on ways to improve the condition of your energy-bodies (


I recommend learning and using the Aspectika process by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski, which is a useful process, and teaches some important principles.

The original process (which can also be easily run on a solo basis (once you’ve done some Deep Clearing) even though the original definition is worded for a practitioner and client) is here :

. . . after running the process a few times it should be clear that the process really consists of spotting a goal-chain, satisfying all the goals, and jumping with the goal-chain into the Great-space, (with the rest of the steps in the original version being about getting enough reality on parts of that process to run them).


Learn and do the PEAT process (by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski). This process starts from a highly-charged item and follows the chain of links, to a basic polarization.

This is the only clearing type process I know of that is usually not possible solo, because of the huge amount of spiritual-charge on the item that it initially finds (called your “primordial polarity”).

To fully discharge polarizations, such as those found by PEAT, I recommend using Max’s Gunas process, as detailed here (or the more advanced process also on that page) :

The Physical-universe Building-blocks:

After you have experience and ability with PEAT, Gunas, and the whole range of types of non-ideals as detailed in Filbert’s “Excalibur Revisited”, plus Reversals, you might be able to start working with the basic building-blocks which this universe is made of, known as the Physical-universe Matrix. The pre-requisites are vital before you start working with this, because otherwise it can kill your body.

The basic concept of the Matrix: certain Eastern spiritual systems have retained knowledge of the levels of 1 and 2 of this Matrix, which are Tao and Yin/Yang. While this knowledge is a useful start, the actual items used in the construction of everything which exists in this universe (including the universe itself and the beings in it) are the levels of 16 and 32, which are preserved (approximately correctly) in the ifa spiritual system.

You can either receive the ifa initiations or approach the Matrix using Deep Clearing perspectives, or do both (as I did).

The book “Polar Dynamics” by Max Sandor and Ed Dawson: is a very valuable book on the Physical-universe-Matrix.

It is probably more useful to wait until you have done the pre-requisites (as mentioned above) before reading this book, so you can explore the reality of it safely for yourself.

Other data which is of value in Deep-Clearing includes :-

“The Little Purple Notebook On How To Escape From This Universe” (PNOHTEFTU), by Max Sandor (, which is full of valuable data, processes and perspectives. Max’s blog posts are also valuable, although the original website is no longer available.

The L13, available on request, includes many useful advanced processes and perspectives.

GhostDanse includes various useful processes and perspectives by Ed Dawson.

Viking remote viewing. Some useful perspectives from the late Edmund Meadows.

Any questions about any of this, at any time in your progress, ask on my discussion forums (above) and I’ll help you as best I can.
